Clients:Ask Questions and Discover Legal Content for Free

Attorneys: choose the plan that’s right for you

  • Community

    • Website for your Legal Content (e.g.,

    • Legal Content Generation powered by Chat GPT 3.5

    • Access to Open Client Questions

    • Free if you serve as a Topic Expert

  • Professional

    • Website for your Legal Content (e.g.,

    • > Legal Content Generation powered by Chat GPT 4

    • Access to Open Client Questions

    • > Notifications when new Client Questions are posted on your Topic

    • $25/month if you serve as a Topic Expert

  • Premium

    • >> Website for your Legal Content with Your Domain (e.g., instead of

    • Legal Content Generation powered by Chat GPT 4

    • Access to Open Client Questions

    • Notifications when new Client Questions are posted on your Topic

    • >> Private Notifications when new Client Questions are posted on your Website

    • >> 4 hours of non-attorney support per month (research, editorial, visual design, technical)

    • $150/month if you serve as a Topic Expert

Full Service Plan

Talk to us about Full Service Plans for your practice, including attorney-written first drafts, custom websites, and comprehensive SEO. Full Service Plans start as low as $800/month.

Topic Experts

Topic Experts publish legal content 2x/month, increasing their visibility within Attorney Mesh and earning them reduced pricing on their selected plan.

We are actively seeking Topic Experts in the following areas:

  • Patents
  • Copyrights
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Privacy